We're here to help. FAQ: Gift Cards

Gift Cards

Sorry, no. Amazon gift cards are not accepted at Whole Foods Market stores.

Yes, both Whole Foods Market and Whole Foods Market 365 gift cards can be used at Whole Foods Market stores.

You can check your balance online by visiting our gift card page or by calling

Sorry, no. Whole Foods Market gift cards cannot be used for online purchases including catering and meals on wholefoodsmarket.com or grocery delivery through Amazon.com and other third-party partners.

No. Gift cards can never be used to pay bills or agencies. Gift cards can only be used to make purchases at the retailer specified on the card. If you’re asked to do this, contact the consumer fraud protection division of your state’s attorney general office or report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission .

Remember, if something seems suspicious, it probably is. Fraudsters can be incredibly sophisticated and convincing. Check out the Federal Trade Commission , AARP , The Better Business Bureau and the IRS websites for more details and lists of common scams

No. Neither Whole Foods Market nor any of its authorized service providers will ever ask you to purchase gift cards from our stores. If you’re asked to do this, refuse and contact the consumer fraud protection division of your state’s attorney general office or report the incident to the Federal Trade Commission .

Remember, if something seems suspicious, it probably is. Check out the Federal Trade Commission , AARP , The Better Business Bureau and the IRS websites for more details and lists of common scams.

If you’re unsure, please chat with us at the bottom of this page or call .

If you receive a request to update your information, verify your identity or participate in mystery/secret shopping, do not click on the link or respond. Whole Foods Market does not send identity verification requests or recruit through SMS. Never provide personal information in response to an unsolicited request. Do not click on links in text messages from an unknown or unsolicited sender.

Do not ever make a payment with gift cards. Visit Amazon’s anti-fraud page to learn more.

The total amount of all gift cards you order at one time cannot exceed $1,000.

A gift card cannot be replaced if lost or stolen, so treat your gift card like cash.

Yes, we have a corporate gift card program , and discounts are available for high-volume purchases.

Yes! Though we can only ship to an address in the US or Canada, you can purchase a gift card with a non-US/Canadian billing address.

We advise you to choose UPS for your shipping method as it is more secure. Please allow enough time for the card to be processed and shipped. After that time, please call the helpline at (toll free) or email wholefoodsmarket@buyatab.com and we will track down your card.

A U.S gift card can be redeemed at any Whole Foods Market location in Canada and vice versa. However, U.S or Canadian gift cards cannot be used in the UK, and UK gift cards cannot be used in North America. At this time, Canadian gift cards are only sold in store and not online.

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