When I was growing up, my family had a Mother’s Day ritual. Dad would bring the kids to a department store, give us each $10 and let us loose to find a gift for Mom.One year, my 8-year-old sister — whose thrift was legendary even then — was overwhelmed by a display of pricey gold-plated bracelets. “But what will I have left when I’m old?” she lamented, before reluctantly handing over her whole $10.
As a mom myself, I know the best presents have nothing to do with price. Last year, my son’s third grade class organized a “day of beauty” for all the moms and grandmas. Tiny hands massaged our shoulders, buffed our nails and brushed our hair. The bravest moms opted for full makeovers with lipstick, eye shadow and blush! The kids clearly loved caring for the grown-up women in their lives; even the gruffest third-grade tough guy was happy to buff his grandma’s nails until they gleamed!
If you’re planning a special day for the moms and grandmas in your life, check out our recipe for a Raw Honey Face Mask opens in a new tab. It’s made with simple ingredients wholesome enough for little hands to mix themselves.

Want to add a present without breaking into the piggybank? Use this $4-off coupon from Mineral Fusion opens in a new tab. Choose from a variety of products for face, lips or eyes—anything from tinted moisturizer to powder, bronzer, lip gloss or eye shadow.Mineral Fusion products feature light-reflecting minerals, so Mom’s outer radiance can match her inner beauty. And they’re made without parabens, phthalates, talc or artificial fragrances, so Mom can feel good about what goes on her skin. Your gift of TLC also helps women in need; Mineral Fusion donates a portion of proceeds and products to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence opens in a new tab to help end violence and empower survivors.
Does your family have a Mother’s Day ritual to share? What else can kids contribute to Mom’s special day?