We know our readers are passionate about organics and we're guessing you're a talented lot as well. So we want to make sure you know about the Organic Institute's contest opens in a new tab seeking the next "organic idol."
The scoop from their website:
“The Organic Institute is looking for its first-ever consumer ambassador to serve as a spokesperson for all those who are passionate about organic agriculture and products. All we need is a 30-second audition video from you making your pitch. Participation is easy: Through May 8, join our YouTube group and submit a 30-second video at www.youtube.com/group/organicidol explaining the moment you realized organic products are worth it. Make us smile. Make us cry. Make us laugh. Make us think. Heartfelt, creative and quirky videos are welcomed, and encouraged. Once your video is posted, tell your friends to view it! That's because the Organic Institute's board will consider the top 12 videos with the most views by May 8 as the initiative's finalists. Members of the Organic Trade Association will select from the 12 finalists who they feel is the best fit as our consumer ambassador. We'll notify the winner in May, and he or she will be unveiled June 17 in Chicago at the All Things Organic Trade Show. In addition to receiving a trip for two to Chicago for the trade show, the winner's story will be shared on this Web site. And, he or she will be featured in the Institute's next consumer advertising campaign, currently set for Fall 2009. So, ready for your close-up? Submit your video today at www.youtube.com/group/organicidol. Click here for official contest rules.”