As you do your shopping this holiday season, you've probably noticed the beautiful bouquets of holiday flowers in your local Whole Foods Market store. But a quick look doesn't give you the whole story. This season, we've worked with our growers to bring you three Whole Trade™ Guarantee opens in a new tab holiday floral bouquets.*In addition to their outstanding beauty, these Whole Trade bouquets do more than dress up your home or table. Meet Ana, one of the workers on a flower farm that supplies us with these beautiful flowers. Ana has been working for the farm for seven years. She works in production at the farm, cutting and preparing the flowers for their trip to our stores in bouquets or bunches. Ana and her family live in Facatativa, Colombia. They have benefited from the farm's foundation, which is providing her son with an education.

"I am very grateful to the company I work for the support that they have given my son, who has been studying at the Foundation for the past two years. He surprises me every day with how much he learns and how bright he is. I cannot put into words the benefits not only my son has received from studying at the Foundation but the tools they have given me to help me become a better parent, it's immeasurable", said Ana.

Her message to Whole Food Market's customers who purchase the Whole Trade flowers that help to fund the foundation is super cool: "Their generosity allows mine and many other families benefits and a quality of life that we would otherwise not have if it were not for the Foundation."Look for the Whole Trade Guarantee logo on your holiday flowers -all bouquets with that logo are from the farm where Ana works.* Remember, all Whole Trade Guarantee products opens in a new tab must meet our high Quality Standards opens in a new tab, provide more money to producers, ensure better wages and working conditions for workers and utilize sound environmental practices. Plus, with each purchase of those products, one percent of the retail price goes to the Whole Planet Foundation opens in a new tab, which is creating real results in the fight against poverty.