We, The Green Children, are very happy to announce the release of our single and music video Hear Me Now to help support the work of Whole Planet Foundation opens in a new tab and raise awareness about the power of microcredit to help people lift themselves out of poverty.After our first trip to Bangladesh, we were so inspired by Grameen Bank, its leader Prof. Muhammad Yunus and the power of small loans that we knew we had to write a song! After the song was written, we knew that a video had to be made and this was the result. It was made in Bangladesh to celebrate the incredible women who are clients of Grameen Bank (known as "the bank for the poor").Check out our video below and visit us at http://www.thegreenchildren.org opens in a new tab.
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Hear Me Now is also available on iTunes, and we are donating 50% of our proceeds to help fund a Whole Planet Foundation and Grameen Trust microlending project in Kerala, India, aiming to extend access to microcredit to over 22,000 impoverished people.

Help us spread a positive message: the poor don't always need a hand out, but with a hand up, great things can happen!Thank you so much,Milla Sunde & Tom Bevan (The Green Children)

The Green Children, Milla and Tom, in Guatemala with Whole Planet Foundation President Philip Sansone