Growing up in Wisconsin, fish Fridays were a big deal. The fish was almost always beer-battered lake perch, which no one seemed to mind, especially if it came with French fries and slaw!
These days, I look to fish Fridays as a way to stretch my cooking fins and try different preparations and varieties of fish, as well as make dinner a bit healthier than those fried meals of the past. Baked, broiled and even grilled fish all have special flavors that should be celebrated.
Baking fish is quick and easy, and allows for a wide range of toppings, sauces, and more. Baking yields a tender fish with the chosen seasonings getting into every bite.

Broiling is even faster than baking thanks to the high temperature, and is perfect for recipes where you want to crisp or caramelize the topping (think panko breadcrumbs or an onion chutney). Because of the high heat, you’ll need to stick close by to ensure the fish doesn’t overcook or burn.
If you love to use aromatic herbs and citrus in your cooking, steaming fish is the way to go. The steam will open up the flavors of your ingredients, turning a simple basket of fish into a fragrant, tender delicacy. You can steam on the stove or in the oven using parchment paper packets, referred to as en papillote.
Grilling fish allows that lovely smoky flavor of the grill to be infused into each bite. Cedar planks are perfect for grilling fish, but you can also make foil packets to put on the grill, or grill whole fish directly on the grates!

Frying doesn’t have to mean copious amounts of grease. Lightly frying fish will give you crispy edges and tender interiors, plus you can easily add sauces for a quick glaze.

This is a great time to go beyond your standard fish stick and try new things. From salmon to trout to catfish to paiche, you have plenty of options in each Whole Foods Market. Our fishmongers can help you select just the right fish for your preparation or budget.
Even More Convenient
Fish is always a good pick if you’re looking for a fast meal, our frozen prepared seafood entrées make a quick fix even quicker. Stock your freezer with these the pre-marinated, seasoned or stuffed seafood options, then simply thaw (either overnight or while you are away during the day), cook and serve with your favorite side.
High Seafood Standards
Whether it’s wild-caught or farmed, fresh or frozen, everything in our seafood department adheres to our Quality Standards opens in a new tab, which are the highest in the industry.
How do you like to enjoy fish on Fridays or any day of the week?