June 6–12 is Hemp History Week, a time when grassroots organizers, farmers and producers sing the praises of hemp and advocate for federal policies that will allow U.S. farmers to grow industrial hemp.
To help raise awareness about Hemp History Week, Whole Foods Market is having a sale on select hemp foods and body care by Dr. Bronner’s, Living Harvest TEMPT, Manitoba Harvest, Nature’s Path, Nutiva and Pacific Foods. In addition, we’ve pulled together our top reasons to get hip to hemp.

Sale valid through June 14, 2016 while supplies last.
Hemp is woven into the fabric of American history. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper.
Hemp packs a hefty nutritional punch. For instance, one 30-gram serving of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts provides 10g of protein and 10g of essential fatty acids. Bonus: an 8-oz bag is on sale for $4.99.
Hemp is generally grown with less water than cotton, and its fibers are remarkably strong, which makes organic hemp an attractive option for textiles.
Hempmilk is hot right now. Plant milks are a popular alternative to dairy. Learn to make your own hempmilk opens in a new tab or try Pacific Foods Hemp Non-Dairy Beverage over cereal and in smoothies. Heads up: a 32-oz carton is on sale for $3
Hemp can help lighten up landfills. Hemp fibers and cellulose are being developed into plant-based alternatives to plastic in packaging, consumer goods and car panels.
Hemp oil is highly versatile. Because of its high concentration of essential fatty acids, hemp oil is equally excellent for salads and skin care. Drizzle it on your favorite dish or look for body care products that contain hemp oil as an ingredient.
Hemp products come in all shapes and sizes. Stock your backpack with Nature’s Path Sunny Hemp Hemp Plus Granola Bars (on sale for $3.50 per box of 5), or slurp a smoothie made with hemp powder.
Hemp seeds deliver nutty, crunchy goodness. Munch down in the morning with Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola (on sale for $2.99) or learn to make your own hemptastic cereals, muffins and more opens in a new tab.
How else is industrial hemp woven into the fabric of American history? Share what you know below!