Back to school means back to jam-packed schedules, with kids running from one activity to the next. It’s a challenge to keep everything organized. Akilah offers a great suggestion for reusing what others might simply toss in the trash to keep the myriad projects tidy: "My kids always have a project going. We reuse glass jars to store arts and crafts supplies, mix and store tempera paint, little terrariums and temporary 1/2 day bug habitats (after holes are punched in the metal top), and for kitchen experiments like pickling all sorts of things."As your kids head back to school, how will you think green?
Lesson Number One: Get Organized
Back to school means back to jam-packed schedules, with kids running from one activity to the next. It’s a challenge to keep everything organized. Akilah offers a great suggestion for reusing what others might simply toss in the trash to keep the myriad projects tidy: "My kids always have a project going. We reuse glass jars to store arts and crafts supplies, mix and store tempera paint, little terrariums and temporary 1/2 day bug habitats (after holes are punched in the metal top), and for kitchen experiments like pickling all sorts of things."