A glorious dinner worthy of the greatest mother in the land (yours!) needn’t be heavy. Let spring produce and warmer weather dictate a seasonal spread fit for a queen. Ease up on animal protein and swap oils and sugars for healthful substitutes to celebrate naturally flavorful whole foods.
Treat your mother right with light and easy dinner dishes that will leave the whole family feeling great.
Baked Salmon with Spinach and Strawberry Salsa opens in a new tab
Tofu Veggie Skewers with Pineapple Mango Jerk Sauce opens in a new tab
Baked Stuffed Artichokes with Garlicky Whole Grains opens in a new tab
Pineapple-Ginger Rice with Edamame opens in a new tab
Spring Asparagus and Broccoli Soup opens in a new tab
Wheat Berry, Apricot and Arugula Salad opens in a new tab
Don’t forget dessert!

Mango, Raspberry and Cashew Cream Parfaits opens in a new tab
Chia Pudding opens in a new tab
What are you making this Mother's Day? Share your recipe ideas in the comments!