As a classically trained chef with a political science degree, Food Editor Molly Siegler puts her culinary chops to work coordinating the creation and curation of recipes and other food-focused content for Whole Foods Market. (Catch Molly’s cooking videos opens in a new tab on YouTube!) We asked Molly to share some of her favorite new recipes coming out of our test kitchen.’Tis the season for desserts. While holiday pies and cookies steal a lot of the limelight, cakes never go out of season. Here are five of my top picks for cakes for any occasion — and remember, now’s the time to stock up on our 365 Everyday Value® baking essentials like flour, sugar, spices and more.

Mini Chocolate Ricotta Cakes opens in a new tab
I adore these tiny, decadent cakes and find that most guests around my table do, too, and they are perfect for office potlucks and gift giving. They earn oohs and aahs for being a playful dessert with a hidden creamy ricotta cheese filling, yet the real surprise is how easy they are to make. What’s not to love?

Oatmeal Cream Pie Cake opens in a new tab
You know the recipes that always release a flood of memories? This is one of mine. Based on an old family recipe, this iced cake brings together chewy rolled oats and warming cinnamon, plus has a little zip thanks to Greek yogurt. One taste and I’m instantly brought back to our frequent family dinners and celebrations featuring this cake. Bonus: You can make this cake ahead — in fact, it actually tastes better if you do.

Cinnamon-Almond Olive Oil Cake Recipe opens in a new tab
I find myself serving this understated cake often. It’s moist, light and rustic — just the thing to end a weekend brunch or fancy dinner and still satisfy your sweet tooth. Up the elegance by adding a dusting of powered sugar and top with a citrus compote or a pile of fresh berries. It also makes a perfect treat for an afternoon coffee or tea break.

Simple Yogurt Cake opens in a new tab
Here’s another cake I turn to when I need an easy dessert — I nearly always have the ingredients in my kitchen and the hands-on time is minimal. Don’t be fooled, though. The deceivingly plain appearance masks layers of flavor from the vanilla and almond extracts and yogurt. This is a simple, French-style cake, so I can pretend I’m hosting a dinner party in Paris.

Dark Chocolate Layer Cake opens in a new tab
This cake is synonymous with celebrations in my book. It’s light and moist, yet still meets the requisites for that deep, dark old-fashioned chocolate cake we all dream about. It doesn’t need colorful sprinkles, but I certainly won’t stop you from adding them. Plus I super love that the cake itself is vegan and no one will be the wiser.
Want more cake recipe inspiration? Check out our cake recipe collection opens in a new tab.