Whole, slivers, sections, pulp, no pulp… no matter how you cut it, oranges are fabulous. Their skin smells great and even sprays cool oils when you squish it – so neat! Bright orangey delights are around every corner at Whole Foods Market® right now, because darlin’ clementine… it’s citrus season, and Whole Kids Foundation® opens in a new tab is joining in the fun!To celebrate citrus this season, we want to share two great resources with you, parents!
Better Bites opens in a new tab – Add a Healthy Squeeze with Oranges
Our monthly downloadable resource is all about making one small, affordable change to improve your family’s nutrition, and this edition is orange all over! There are tasty tips for parents, a fun DIY activity for your kids, family-friendly recipes and suggestions on how to go a step further in the kitchen with our friend, the orange. Give it a download!
Kids’ Book Club opens in a new tab – An Orange in January, by Dianna Hutts Aston
Every month we suggest a new book (for ages 3-7) that opens the door for healthy conversation with your kiddo. Look for reading tips from our partner, Jumpstart opens in a new tab, and a neat “Together-Time” activity from us, Whole Kids Foundation. We think you’ll love this month’s activity, “Find Your Main Squeeze.”
Does your family revel in citrus season? Share your favorite tips below for including this great treat in your child’s meals.