Tis’ the season for money-saving strategies — and we’ve got em’! With The Whole Deal opens in a new tab you can unwrap 18 Sure Deals opens in a new tab, more than $45 in coupons opens in a new tab, 12 new budget-friendly recipes opens in a new tab, and a daily meal planner opens in a new tab. So when you’re hosting the festivities, there’s no reason to invite overspending.Here are our top tips for hosting without stressing over spending or leaving your values out in the cold.
Toast savings. Pick up this year’s Beaujolais Nouveau opens in a new tab (always affordable) and browse our holiday Top Ten Wines opens in a new tab for top-notch wines at easy-to-swallow prices*.
Spice it up. Buying spices and nuts from bulk bins lets you get just the amount you need without paying for excess packaging.
Green décor. Citrus, nuts in the shell, pomegranates, cinnamon sticks, winter squash and rosemary “trees” make beautiful arrangements — and cooking ingredients!
Spread joy. Give gifts that keep giving with L.I.F.E. Jackets reusable coffee sleeves opens in a new tab, which—aid families in Kenya (only 99¢)—and Whole Planet Foundation® calendars, which support micro-lending (only $3 and includes $25+ in coupons!)
More for less. Get volume discounts on many items when you buy a full case or specified amount. Get the details in our stores at Customer Service.
*Sorry celebrants, some of our stores sell wine, some don’t. It’s the law.
Feeding A Crowd
With these top tips you can fill seats at your table without emptying your wallet.
Create a menu. From starters to desserts, browse hundreds of budget-friendly recipes at wholefoods.com/recipes opens in a new tab.
Add it up. Our Servings Calculator opens in a new tab helps you serve a bounty without being left with too much.
Meat for less moolah. Stewing, roasting and braising allow you to choose less expensive cuts of meat with delicious results. Ask our expert butchers for advice.
Invite 365 Everyday Value®. Tastefully entertain with high-quality holiday basics at everyday value prices. There are hundreds of organic selections, too!
Sure Deals! We’ve singled out nearly 20 deals bringing you the best value and the best quality including seasonal staples opens in a new tab like chicken broth for cooking, pure Irish butter for baking and sweet treats too.
Reinvent leftovers. Think crudités to roasted veggies; potatoes to pancakes; meat to pies; and stuffing to savory muffins.
Sometimes saving time is as important as saving money. Check out this post opens in a new tab on tasty shortcuts and recipes for the harried host.
What’s your favorite tip for a host looking not to spend the most?