Oh yeah...how's this for a cool way to celebrate Earth Month: win a Bosch Evolution ENERGY STAR® qualified refrigerator opens in a new tab along with plenty of Whole Foods Market products to fill it! Not one, not two, but ELEVEN lucky winners will have an energy efficient, eco-chic fridge delivered and installed in their very own kitchen. Never seen this baby? Here it is in all its glory opens in a new tab.It's super easy to enter: just go to the Recycle Your Old Fridge Sweepstakes Entry Page opens in a new tab and fill in the required standard info by April 30, 2009. Only one entry per person, so don't go trying to scam the system!Whether you win or not on this sweepstakes, upgrading to Energy Star appliances is a winner for the Earth. Check out this Refrigerator Retirement Savings Calculator opens in a new tab to find out how much your current fridge and freezer cost to run in energy and dollars - and compare to energy star appliances. You reduce, reuse and recycle...but how do you refrigerate? These fridge facts will give you something to think about:

A pre-1993 fridge uses more than twice the energy of a new Energy Star certified model.
The use of old refrigerators and freezers in American households amounts to $4.9 billion per year in energy costs.
If your refrigerator is more than 10 years old, it probably contains more than 120 pounds of recyclable steel.
As with any contest, this one has official rules opens in a new tab. Want to know what else we are up to this Earth Day? Stay tuned to our Whole Story blog and visit our Earth Month - Thirty Ways in Thirty Days opens in a new tab for lots of ideas on making this month the greenest one yet.