As promised when we asked for Mom's Best Recipes opens in a new tab, we haven't forgotten Dad! Here's your chance to let us know about Dad's best recipes. Whether they cook one special meal or all the meals for the house, dads definitely have their place in today's kitchen. So come on all you kids, spouses and dads and share those best recipes with us in the comment section below by April 16th. We'll collect the best entries to highlight in a Father's Day feature in our e-newsletter, fl@vors opens in a new tab, and on this Whole Story blog.

To give you some inspiration, my dad is an accomplished cook and grill master, but his "best recipe" is Potatoes Anna. He makes an incredible version in a very well-seasoned cast-iron skillet. Requesting this treat is not something to be done too lightly, as this dish requires the peeling and thin slicing of a large quantity of potatoes. Then comes the layering, buttering, seasoning and cooking until the outside is browned and crisp and the inside is tender and melting. For the final touch, he inverts the whole potato cake onto a plate. It's a beautiful sight to behold!So, what's your Dad's best recipe?