Looking for some great ideas for getting a good, simple meal on the table this week? These "Best Meals" from readers and team members are sure to help. Don't forget to share your "best meal" in the comments below. We're always inspired by what other people are cooking, right? Remember, "best" is highly subjective: healthy, super quick, inexpensive, fabulously delicious - or a combination of all that and more. Note: Images are of similar recipes from our website, not specifically the reader's best meal.
From Hannah, a reader:
My favorite meal this week was a really simple, tasty wrap! First, I sliced a zucchini with a carrot peeler into long, thin strips.

Then I chopped up a red bell pepper. I sprinkled both with a little olive oil and crushed garlic and roasted in the toaster oven. Yanked out the zucchini before the red bell pepper, since it cooked much faster. Then I made a wrap with a tortilla. I filled it with the zucchini, red bell pepper, shredded lettuce, crumbled feta, and a handful of cranberries. Then a spritz of vinegar and oil on top. It actually surprised me how good it was! Here's another simple wrap recipe for Turkey and Cucumber with Ranch Dressing opens in a new tab.
From Jennifer, a reader:
I threw this together in the rice cooker, and yum! I started with 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups water in the rice cooker, and started it up.

Whisk together 1/4 c peanut sauce and 1/4 c roasted tomato salsa (blended style). Cut up 1 lb tofu in 1/2 inch cubes and 2 cups frozen green beans, and toss in salsa/peanut sauce mix. After about 10-15 minutes of the quinoa cooking, toss the tofu/green bean mix into the rice cooker, and let all of it finish cooking. When finished, mix together, and toss it in a bowl for a yummy, healthy, easy dinner! If you like Jennifer's quinoa and green bean medley, you may also like this Three Bean Salad with Quinoa opens in a new tab that's received rave reviews.
From Evan Thomas, a reader:
My best meal of the week (and I have this quite a lot) has been a Whole Foods tuna burger on Whole Foods organic whole wheat sesame bun topped with smokey peach salsa and baby spinach. And on the side I add some Kettle Cooked Lightly salted potato chips.
From Nona, a team member:

It's been really, really hot here and summer salad for dinner seemed the right solution. Our store has an in-house seafood smoker, so I got two small pieces of smoked Atlantic salmon & bought an ear of chili lime roasted corn from prepared foods. When I got home I piled a plate full of fresh spinach greens, flaked the salmon, sprinkled on a little feta & the corn kernels cut from the cob. And at JUST the right moment, one of my facebook friends suggested some toasted pine nuts - whew I had some sitting on the counter. A lemon tarragon dressing was the perfect thing to bring it all together. Scrumptious!