Spring has arrived, and it’s time to get your kids back out there communing with nature! With each generation, our children are becoming better stewards of this planet. Whole Kids Foundation® opens in a new tab has tons of kids’ activities that are both fun and Earth-friendly. Here’s a couple to get you started.

Goodness GrowsWhether your kids grow flowers to support our pollinators or veggies to feed their bellies, gardening provides a daily opportunity for your family to talk about why caring for Earth is important to us all.
Size doesn’t matter! Whether you live in a studio apartment or on a hundred-acre ranch, your family can have a garden. There’s no space too small for gardening with options like raised and rooftop beds – even lettuce gardens in rain gutters. Check it out opens in a new tab for yourself!
Worried what you want to grow isn’t right for your climate? Sprout Robot opens in a new tab can help! Just type in your zip code to learn what to start growing, and when.
Bag It! DIY Reusable Bags
Whole Foods Market® banned plastic bags company-wide in 2008! Celebrate better alternatives opens in a new tab by making your own reusable bag out of an old t-shirt. This activity provides an opportunity to talk to your child about why it’s important to reuse resources from every part of our lives.

Step 1: Ask your children to pick out a t-shirt that they no longer wear. The t-shirt should be larger and made of sturdy material (not full of holes).Step 2: To cut the handles, lay the t-shirt out flat and help your child cut off the sleeves. Then, measure 3 inches in along the top shoulder seam (toward the neck) on each side and make a mark. Help your child cut from one mark to the other, making a large “U” shape under the neck. Test your handles and trim the opening larger if you need to.
Step 3: Secure the bottom of your bag by sewing, super-gluing or knotting the bottom of the t-shirt closed. Another option: have kids ages 7-10 cut 4-inch long strips up the bottom of the t-shirt, then tie the strips together (front to back) with double knots.
Step 4: Shop to it! These bags are good at the grocery store and wherever else you shop. Make a few and help your kids remember to bring their eco bags on shopping trips.
Looking for more hands-on recycled crafts? Check out our Pinterest board opens in a new tab.
How do you make Earth Day every day with your family? Share your ideas in the comments below.