<b><i>Share your Ideas and You Could Get Some Good Stuff Free!</i></b>

In a recent Harris Interactive survey, 76% said they don't want to compromise on the quality of the food they buy and 65% say they would like to find ways to be able to buy natural and/or organic foods on a budget.I was thrilled to read these stats because not only have I known in my heart that the former was true, I also knew that the latter happens all the time, so it's clearly possible…and maybe this Value Guru actually provides some help. Honestly, though, while I never seem to run out of ideas-and certainly not words-I don't have all the answers for how to get the most value out of great-quality natural and organic products. That's where you come in.Share your best tip for how to get the good stuff for less and you could win a $50 Whole Foods Market gift card along with a Better Bag loaded with our pantry favorites. We'll choose a winner at random, but get on it...the entry deadline is October 12th!And, if you haven't already, be sure to sign up for The Whole Deal e-newsletter opens in a new tab. You'll hear from us a few times each month about in-store specials and money-saving tips...and future contests, too.Tune in to our Whole Story blog each Wednesday in October for a special value-focused weekly contest!