CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNER MARY FROM MADISON, WI. THANKS FOR ALL THE COMMENTS!We love our producers, suppliers and vendors and we think most of them have some pretty interesting stories behind their products too. We’ll be sharing some of our favorites here in an ongoing series. Read on for a chance to win a $50 gift card.Doug Beretta is a family man. He’s one of four generations in Beretta Family Organic Dairy, a supplier of organic milk for Wallaby Yogurt. The dairy is based on a ranch that was bought in 1948 by Beretta’s grandfather, where the pasture-raised cows graze today. According to Beretta, the advantages of pasture-raising their cows are many. “You’re able to utilize your own land for feed. Organic feed costs are starting to get very expensive so we’re able to use our land to produce as much of the feed as we can.” In addition to the nutritional value of feeding cows on the pasture, “being on grass instead of concrete is a lot easier on the feet and legs of cows,” says Beretta.Wallaby’s founders were looking for family farms and pasture-based dairies with this type of commitment to their cows and their milk, so partnering with Beretta Family Organics made perfect sense.What do you think about the changes that Beretta Family Organic Dairy made when they switched from conventional to organic processes? Watch the slideshow above and leave a comment with your answer by September 9th. One comment will be chosen at random to win a $50 gift card to our stores.Click here to check out Wallaby’s products opens in a new tab or visit our stores to taste them for yourself. We carry their full line of organic yogurt as well as their outstanding sour cream!
Wallaby Yogurt
Watch how Beretta Family Organic Dairy, a pasture-based dairy supplying milk to Wallaby Yogurt, cares for their cows. Answer a question about their dairy for a chance to win a $50 gift card.