We’re all a-Twitter

You may have noticed that we’ve been getting a bit friendly out here on the interwebs. With the launch of Whole Story, our new Facebook page and our new Twitter account, we’ve been busy looking for ways to connect with you! In celebration of recently hitting the 1,000th-follower mark on Twitter, we thought it would be cool to give back to our Twitter followers.

You may have noticed that we’ve been getting a bit friendly out here on the interwebs. With the launch of Whole Story, our new Facebook page opens in a new tab and our new Twitter account opens in a new tab, we’ve been busy looking for ways to connect with you! In celebration of recently hitting the 1,000th-follower mark on Twitter, we thought it would be cool to give back to our Twitter followers. Here’s the skinny: Follow us on Twitter opens in a new tab (simply sign up for an account if you don’t have one and then go to http://twitter.com/wholefoods opens in a new tab and click the “follow” button). You don't need to follow us on Twitter to win, but it'll help you keep updated on what's going on. There will be two ways to earn a $25 Whole Foods Market gift card by following us on Twitter!First, once a week we’ll announce (on Twitter only!) a store location, a start time, and a “secret pass phrase.” If you’re close to this location, go there, walk up to customer service and tell the team member the pass phrase. The first five people who show up will get a gift card and once they’re gone that’s it, so best to be quick (but safe!).The second way to earn a gift card will be to tweet (making a Twitter post) about Whole Foods Market. Every day of the work week we’ll pick one Tweet that’s particularly funny or interesting and we’ll retweet it, direct message the winner and award a $25 gift card. Sound like fun? Let us know that you think! We’ll be doing all this through the month of August and perhaps longer if there’s a lot of interest. Here’s to happy tweeting!

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