Congrats to Charlie G, our randomly selected winner for the case of peanut butter giveaway!Here's a confession: My brother ate nothing but peanut butter (on bread) for an entire year. He was a little kid and my mom obviously wasn't taking control of his diet! He wanted peanut butter and she let him have it. Of course there are all kinds of things wrong with that and, luckily, he's outgrown the obsession. He still loves peanut butter and (in moderation) there's everything right about that!So, what would you do with a case of peanut butter? Read on for a chance to win one! It doesn't matter how you like it-smooth, crunchy, unsweetened or no salt added-we've got you covered with our 365 Everyday Value® Organic Peanut Butter at $3.49 for 18oz. And guess what? Our March/April issue of The Whole Deal has a $1.00 off coupon. Print the online coupon opens in a new tab or pick up the value guide with coupons in our stores. Now that's a tasty deal.Do you think that peanut butter is kind of all the same? We don't. In our experience, the peanuts that go into that jar make a big, flavorful difference, and organic makes even more of a difference. That's why we require the best-tasting organic peanuts for the peanut butter that wears our name. The organic Spanish peanuts used in our 365 Everyday Value Organic Peanut Butter are grown by several family farmers in West Texas, like the Bingham Family.

Cliff Bingham is a 4th generation farmer. His wife, five sons, six daughters, son-in-law and granddaughter - along with the grandparents - are involved in the family farming business. Bingham Family Vineyards and Farm not only grows peanuts, they grow wine grapes for Texas wineries and organic row crops like cotton, wheat, rye, black-eyed peas, blue corn, sesame and garbanzo beans. When they aren't farming, the Bingham family is big into playing music - many of the kids play multiple instruments and perform with the Lubbock Youth Symphony Orchestra. The family enjoys playing a variety of music including classical, country, gospel, fiddle and wedding songs!With all those active kids, I bet that family eats a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But aside from PB&J, there are many delicious, grown-up and fun, not-so-grown-up ways to eat peanut butter. Here are a few of our favorites:

Apple Sandwiches with Granola and Peanut Butter opens in a new tabLettuce Wraps with Chile Peanut Noodles opens in a new tabGluten-Free Peanut Butter Cookies opens in a new tabPeanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies opens in a new tabCurry Coconut Peanut Sauce opens in a new tabPeanutty Udon Noodle and Tofu Salad opens in a new tabPB & J Pancakes opens in a new tabSo, how do you enjoy peanut butter? Let us know in the comments by March 12th (edit: extended to March 16th since you all LOVE peanut butter so much!) and you’ll be entered to win a case of 365 Everyday Value® Organic Peanut Butter! And, by the way, my brother is NOT eligible to win.