Derek Sarno is the co-founder of Wicked Healthy and former Global Executive Chef for Whole Foods Market. Derek’s team was responsible for launching and developing the company’s Healthy Eating initiative. His experience in extensive recipe development and plant-based innovation was integrated with supplier partnerships, ultimately focusing on healthier, plant-centric sustainable foods and methods.
My brother Chad and I love to BBQ! The principles behind it, the grill, the fire, the smoke and the pit mastership of it all. I thought to myself, ‘Self, How do we inject more plants into this meat-heavy backyard scenario?' Some of these recipes we’re showing off are what I came up with — hands-on, finger-licking, flame-ready recipes that bring family and friends together. Now we have the Wicked Healthy opens in a new tabside of things to add to the mix. You definitely don’t have to check with your doctor before eating any of this, cause honestly, the doctors we know will all be here at our BBQ.